
The newest branch of McDonald’s in Tagaytay that opened in December 10 is perhaps the most beautiful branch of Mcdonald’s yet. Its 5-star hotel ambiance is making wave even as it is as green and elegantly nature-loving as can be. How it was designed in utmost respect and honor of the beauty that is all-things Taal and Tagaytay is what makes it the happiest place to be. Now, it is no longer just the kids that can say that. Here are three reasons why this is so.

1. McDonald’s Tagaytay Has The Most Jaw-Dropping View

How everything looks in this new branch is just jaw-dropping. It creates an elevated dining and hanging-out experience that is reflective of Tagaytay. The Al Fresco area, most specially, shows off the serene picturesque view of Taal Lake. Everyone should include it in their Instagram Bucket List.

According to the Inquirer, the materials used to build the store includes raw concrete, wood and bricks, being inspired by the beauty of the region. From the outside in, McDonald’s Tagaytay greets its customers in the most unique way.

2. McDonald’s Tagaytay is Accessible to all of Tagaytay’s Sightseeing Adventures

It is no doubt that Tagaytay is one of the most-loved family vacay destinations in the country. This is why opening a branch of McDonald’s in this very spot is strategic and brilliant. Families will be able to make it one of their pit stops before, during or after their sightseeing adventures. In addition, because of how the new branch was designed, it makes itself worthy to be a must-see scenic spot to complete the Tagaytay experience.

McDonald’s Tagaytay has a seating capacity of 180 seats. The ground floor dining area can provide seats for 73 people while the ground floor Al Fresco can seat 38. Anyone can enjoy McDonald’s famous beverages and enjoy it at the McCafe area with a seating capacity of 39 people. Finally, the enclosed area of McCafe for the more intimate moments with family and friends can be enjoyed by 30 people all at once.

Check out the map on how to reach the place, right here:

3. Who Doesn’t Love McDonald’s?

For the child in everyone of us, McDonald’s will always be a go-to place. Who doesn’t love their sundaes and fries, right? For the cost-conscious brood, McDonald’s is always a great choice. Now, with the new McDonald’s upgrade as seen in the Tagaytay store, more families can enjoy a world-class view without the expensive cost.

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Featured Photo SourceMcDonald’s Philippines Official Twitter Page

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Kaye Leah writes to share conversations about coffee and everything that revolves around it. She tries to put the daily-ness of life in words through stories and anecdotes. If she isn't found with a book or a pen, she's teaching in the classroom or baking at home with her Tres Marias. Follow her via #kapekaye on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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