Healthy food, food binge

Many of us are likely to be guilty of binging on rich and fatty foods, one time or another. When we are stressed, we usually take to comfort food high in salt, fat or sugar. If you took your cheat day way too seriously, here are eight foods that can help your body recover. While some of these foods may be difficult to find locally, some replacements are also recommended.

1. Salmon Caught In The Wild

If you binged on something sweet, the fructose will not only cause a sugar crash, it may also contribute to brain tissue damage. According to Rodale’s Organic Life, the quickest way to recover is to eat wild-caught salmon. Salmon contains the highest amount of DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid), an omega-3 fatty acid, that keeps the brain healthy. In the Philippines, fresh salmon may be difficult to find so one can also get mackerel or tuna, which also have high DHA.

2. Chia and Flax Seeds

Chia seeds come from the Salvia hispanica plant and is considered as a superfood. High in fiber, these seeds also carry a good amount of protein, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and calcium, among others. Flaxseeds are known for their anti-oxidant properties. Just a small amount (as little as two tablespoons) can help you flush out the toxins from your body and promote better digestion. Both seeds can be taken as is, over a cup of yogurt, or as additional ingredients for baked good. In the Philippines, health food and vegetarian stores usually sell these seeds.

3. Go Nuts With Walnuts

We know, walnuts are expensive. But if you have the means, it will be worth it. According to researches, including a good dose of these nuts in your daily diet will help you eat healthier. This means taking less snacks and keeping away from junk food because you feel satisfied. Walnuts can usually be found in a bakery supply store.

4. Broth

There is truth in the saying that the cure to a cold is chicken soup. In this case, any soup made from scratch (from pork bones, chicken, or even fish heads) will help you “replenish lost minerals and nutrients, and stitch up the gut.” It is said to help the absorption of minerals as well as boost the immune system, prevents inflammation, and regulates blood sugar.

5. Fermented Drinks and Veggies

While Filipinos may not be that fond of fermenting vegetables, we can rely on other Asian neighbors for this. Kimchi, many thanks to the Korean student influx, is now readily available. Pickles can do the trick too. These helps your body get back much needed nutrients such as Vitamin C, the B family of vitamins, and amino acids. Probiotic drinks such as Yakult can help your stomach repair itself after binging on sweets.

6. Seaweeds

Whether you take them fresh in a salad or in dry form, seaweeds will help give you that needed vitamin and mineral boost. It is rich in vitamin B12 that is essential for red blood cell formation. It also packs 56 of the minerals that our body needs to be healthy. If seaweeds are difficult to find in your local market, you can also try spirulina in powder form or organic (unsalted) dried nori sheets.

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