New Year’s Resolutions For Every Age

New Year is only a few days away. Soon, we will all say goodbye to the year that has passed and all the drama it has brought. Hopefully, we will not forget the lessons the past year has taught us, oftentimes quite harshly. But as we are about to welcome another 365-day cycle in our lives, we also start thinking about New Year’s resolutions we want to keep, to make the year ahead better.

Age-Appropriate New Year’s Resolutions – The Easy Way To Do It

Rather than lump all kinds of resolutions and say that everyone should try them, the easier way to stick to a resolution is to make one that is appropriate for your age.

1. School-age children (with the help of their parents). There is no better way to teach your kids to be mindful of their behavior especially towards other members of the family or other people than to set personal goals for them to improve themselves. It need not be huge, such as a change in attitude. It may just be as simple as doing their share in household chores or doing better in school. In this age of gadgets and online games, one of the best resolutions kids can have is to limit their screen time and balance it out with other physical and beneficial activities.

2. Young adults and professionals (yes, millennials!). This social media- and the tech-savvy bunch have to balance their online life with real life. One of the things millennials are criticized for is their spending too much time on social media. There is definitely more to life than just Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Young adults should learn to disconnect in order to reconnect with real people around them.

3. People in their 30s. The reality of real life and how it is to keep up with the bills and the needs of a family – this is what hits people in this age range. Women, more than men, oftentimes carry the burden of nurturing a family while contributing to the family income at the same time. This makes it extra stressful for them. Women at this stage should find ways to de-stress and find positive coping mechanisms to keep stress at bay. Finding time for oneself, even in the simplest way, can be quite helpful. This coming year, pledge to find some alone time with the help of your spouse or family at least once a week.

4. Life begins at 40. At this stage in life, you no longer want to waste your precious time on people and things that do not matter to you. Thus, most would consider and take stock of all their relationships at this stage and choose which ones to keep. Then you need to ask yourself – how do I communicate with others, and how else can I improve on their relationships? The rest of the year can be built on improving and strengthening these connections that matter.

No matter your age, the end of the year is the best time to assess and take stock. It is also an opportunity to continue a work-in-progress – you and your life.

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Liezl Dunuan: After finishing her bachelor's degree in Communication major in Journalism, Liezl decided to write for non-profit, development organizations instead of going into mainstream media. She now divides her time doing communications work for NGOs and writing online content for her own blog and Pilipinas Popcorn.